Monday, February 20, 2012

Midterm Idea Redid

Elevator Line- Two Aliens discuss the destructive tendencies of humans.

Theme- I want to use the aliens to convey a discourse that looks at humanity through a critical eye. Commenting on pollution, over population, and organized religion. I want the aliens to be presented as nearly objective observers with a deffinate opinion on these destructive tendencies.

Synopsis- We introduce a space station, inside we discover an intergalactic wild life preserve.  We introduce Zing, a smaller squid looking alien within a robotic suit who is observing the different habitats from sector 9. He stops at the window labeled Earth. Zing takes a few moments to appreciate the curious creature in the habitat. Soon one of the scientist aliens approaches Zing, Bip ( a larger alien than Zing) enters the space and begins to speak to Zing about humanity. Soon Zing starts to think that they should destroy the horrible creature, but Bip explains that by doing so they would become like the humans. It is up to them to destroy the cycle of death.

-place- Space Station
-time- Space Time
-atmosphere- Erie Space

Tone/Execution- I want the tone of the piece to have two basic feels. I want the aliens world to look very smooth and have the vector art kind of fell to it. Like a standard futuristic sleek chic kind of feel. As for the humans habitat I want to give it a Hand drawn quality. I want the human to look a little sloppy and to have a hand drawn quality to the room he is in. I want these two places to contrast each other, presenting the idea that the aliens are these super sleek intellectual creatures and conveying the naivety of humanity.

Objective- The objective of this piece would be to examine the flaws of humans, comment on said flaws, and finally hope that acknowledging the flaws will result in a dialogue about the problems by the viewers of the piece.

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